Effect of Selangor’s water tariffs

Here’s a post from the annual Project Censored list of the most underreported news stories. One is on “Popular resistance to corporate water grabbing”.  For decades, private companies have been trying to take over and control water supplies, particularly in the developing world. Now, as journalist Ellen Brown reported in March 2015, corporate water barons, including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and other investment firms “are purchasing water rights from around the world at an unprecedented pace.” But over the past 15 years, more than 180 communities — including Malaysia — have fought back and re-municipalised their water systems. Meanwhile, in the United States, some cities are radically raising water rates and cutting off service to low-income communities. Which means, they get no water if they can’t pay!

The other point is that “Half of global wealth owned by the 1 per cent”. Oxfam international, which has been working for decades to fight global poverty, released a report in January 2015 showing that, if current trends continue, by the end of this year the wealthiest 1 per cent will own more than everyone else in the world put together. Another stunning fact: The 85 richest people in the world now have the same wealth as half the world’s poor.

For more on this, read http://www.boulderweekly.com/article-15226-censored-ten-big-stories-the-news-media-ignored.html

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