Year of the Tiger — what’s in store

Every year the International Institute of Tao Studies in Kuala Lumpur holds a talk on what Chinese New Year brings, and how to turn on the auspicious and prosperous flow of qi and to manage the inauspicious energies that affect the Tao way.

Dr Geraldine Goh, Tao scholar and founder of the Institute is assisted by Lim Meng Siang, a Tao advocate who holds a senior position in the banking industry. Lim has been deeply involved in Tao studies for several years and pre-Covid has been teaching courses at the Institute in his spare time.


Here he gives an account of what the Year of the Tiger brings for those born under each animal sign.

It’s a good year for the Pig, Rooster, Goat, Snake and Rabbit, and a challenging one for Monkey, Rat and Dragon.

Regardless, it is recommended to at least carry the Tai Sui card for the year 2022 to manage the conflict that one has with the 2022 Tai Sui or gather support from the 2022 Tai Sui.  One should also carry the Guiding Angel cards to attract guiding angel luck to smoothen one’s path, and the Apparent Position and Hidden Prosperity cards to enhance one’s career, position and prosperity luck in 2022.



It’s a challenging year for the Rat. Avoid Yin places like funeral parlours and try to avoid going to hospitals. You will be easily influenced by negative energy around these places. Be careful of handling sharp objects and avoid looking at eclipses. You will tend to be more aggressive this year, so do sufficient preparation so that you will not be hurt as a result.  You may be approached by people with ulterior motives, especially from the opposite sex, thus one should beware when dealing with unfamiliar people.

It’s good to wear a Ba Gua bracelet and hang a Zhong Kuei picture to deflect negative energy and help manage prosperity. Carry a jade dog to attract prosperity.



The Ox has to be mindful of illness and should go for regular medical checkups. Take measures to boost your immunity especially in these Covid times. The Ox has opportunity to accumulate wealth this year. There’s also a chance of meeting your life partner and build a future with him/her.

You may have feelings of loneliness but will have the Heaven Official Guiding Angel helping you to advance in your career.

A Zhong Kuei picture will help manage the ailment star. Wear a Ba Gua bracelet and smooth sailing beads to smoothen things. Set up a single Harmony Box setting using a round metal box with a red woven snail in it to attract a life partner.



Tiger is the Tai Sui or Minister in charge this year. There will be added responsibilities but taking these in your stride will make you a better person. You will feel the pressure from such responsibilities, but with wisdom and intellect in your stars, you can take up the challenge and overcome them. The Tiger has hidden wealth, drawing from indirect sources of income. The Literate Guiding Angel star is with you, teaching you to be street smart and doing things in a more efficient way. The Tiger has to be careful with sharp objects.

Display a Wen Chang brush to attract intellect. A Guiding Angel picture will help you draw energy from it.  Display the 60 Jia Zi Tai Sui picture to lessen the pressure of being the Tai Sui of the year.



The Tai Yang or Sun star shines on the Rabbit, who will also have the Guiding Angel in his/her orbit. Male benefactors will come into your life. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from people. The Sun star brings positive energy and dissipates negative energy. Rabbit, being Wood in element, adds more positivity for this year. The Intellect Guiding Angel brings benefactors to give wisdom and good advice. The Rabbit has Peach Blossom luck. Use this energy to persuade people to sell/market their products and convince people with your ideas. However, there will also be unexpected shock and worries, and lost opportunities.

Put up a Guiding Angel picture to attract the guiding angel luck, and the 12 Zodiac picture to get rid of negative energy. Set up a single Harmony Box to make use of Peach Blossom luck and wear a jade goat to attract prosperity.



It’s a less favourable year for the Dragon. He should avoid going to Yin places to minimise interaction with negative energy. He may be prone to feeling physically stressed and emotional. However, there’s a Hidden Guiding Angel, whereby the Dragon will receive help indirectly.  In addition, the Heaven Seal Guiding Angel will grant more authority to the Dragon in the workplace / business.  The Fortunate Star Guiding Angel will bring opportunities to you and help in getting rid of negative energy.

Put up a Zhong Kuei picture to get rid of bad stars and attract prosperity, and a Guiding Angel picture to draw on its positive energy. Wear a Ba Gua bracelet.



The Moon star shines on the Snake, and he will easily draw people to him and convince them. You may be involved in arguments and feel lonely and trapped.  On the positive side, the Guiding Angel brings good luck and smoothens your path. If you need help don’t hesitate to ask someone, especially a female.

Put up a Guiding Angel picture to attract benefactors to your life. A Zhong Kuei picture will manage the bad stars and attract prosperity. Set up a Double Harmony box to avert loneliness. Wear a smooth sailing bracelet.



The Horse has to be mindful of laws and regulations.  Do not go against the law, even simple things such as going over the speed limit or parking illegally might get you fined. Look at legal documents carefully before signing. The Horse will have leadership and courage to push for things and succeed in doing so. It’s a good year to start something new or embark on a project. There are happy events to celebrate with the Happiness star in your orbit. However, be careful of sharp objects and try not to do extreme sports as there is a chance of getting hurt. You will also have to deal with petty people causing trouble.

Put up the Zhong Kuei picture to manage the petty people and bring you prosperity and the 60 Jia Zi Tai Sui picture to lessen the conflict with Tai Sui. Wear a smooth sailing and Ba Gua bracelets.



The Goat will have outstanding achievements and receive recognition for what you do. There are prospects of promotion in your career and there will be people to help you along this path. If you want to change career or break off a bad relationship, this is a good year to do it successfully and without problems. There will be happy events to celebrate this year. However, the Goat needs to be mindful of small losses, so plan your expenses well to ensure that you spend wisely (e.g. investments instead of expenses).

Use a jade cicada to preserve what you don’t want to lose. Put up a Guiding Angel picture to attract help in your career and carry a jade rabbit for prosperity.  Set up a single Harmony Box to attract happiness energy to your life this year.


The Monkey is in direct conflict with the Tai Sui or minister in charge for the year. Try to lay low and not to make big changes in your life.  You will likely be making large expenditures, hence try to manage your finances carefully, spend wisely (e.g. investments instead of expenses) and do not overspend unnecessarily. You may go through emotional ups and downs in a challenging year. Avoid sharp objects and extreme sports where there is a chance of injury. There may be barriers to achieving what you want. The Monkey will have a busy year with opportunities coming your way. However, be careful and evaluate them first before acting on them. There is a Hidden Guiding Angel, with people helping you without you knowing. Some of your problems will be resolved naturally, so don’t worry too much.

Put up a 60 Zia Zi Tai Sui picture to manage direct hitting with Tai Sui and Zhong Kuei picture to attract wealth and deflect negativity. Carry a jade snake to attract Guiding Angel and avoid direct hitting with Tai Sui as well.  Carry a Ba Gua bracelet.



The Rooster will reap gains from the Dragon Virtue star. You will be busier than ever and opportunities will come to fruition. Don’t stay still but seize any opportunity that comes your way, work on it diligently and there will be success. There may be conflict with immediate members of the family, so you need to be careful when dealing with them.  Nevertheless, not to worry too much as the Dragon Virtue star will also suppress the other negative stars that affects the Rooster.

Set up a Double Harmony box to manage conflict. Put up a Zhong Kuei picture to attract wealth. Wear smooth sailing bracelet.



The Dog has the White Tiger to contend with this year. Don’t engage in dangerous activities or extreme sports as there is a high chance of injury. Show out your hidden talents this year and you will gain recognition. The Hidden Guiding Angel star will help you achieve this.

Carry a jade kirin to manage the White Tiger and a jade rat to attract prosperity. Put up a Guiding Angel picture to attract its energy. The 60 Jia Zi Tai Sui picture will lessen conflict with Tai Sui.  Wear a Ba Gua bracelet.



The Pig has the Fortune Virtue star to easily deflect negative stars. If you have accumulated good deeds in the past, you will be rewarded this year.   It is also a good year to accumulate good deeds as the merits will increase multiple fold.  There will be prosperity and luck in attracting money whether in your career or business. However, there will be arguments and complaints about you. Be careful of personal belongings.   Nevertheless, not to worry too much as the Fortune Virtue and Heaven Virtue stars will be able to manage these negative stars well.

Put up a Turtle Snake picture to attract more wealth and wear a smooth sailing bracelet.

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