Cooking with Norwegian Fjord Trout

What’s the difference between Norwegian Fjord Trout and Norwegian salmon? First it’s the colour – a vivid red orange for the fjord trout, and pink for salmon. There’s also a distinctive taste difference between the two when served sashimi style. I like the firm and velvety, rich taste of the fjord trout sashimi. We are all familiar with smooth and succulent salmon sashimi.

Chef Jimmy Chok holds up the Norwegian Fjord Trout

Chef Jimmy Chok holds up the Norwegian Fjord Trout

We got to know the appearance, colour, feel and taste of the Norwegian fjord trout compared to salmon at the Norwegian Fjord Trout Cooking Workshop by the Norwegian Seafood Council at KDU University College in Shah Alam recently. Fjord trout is very popular in Malaysia and often people mistake it for salmon or call it salmon trout when it’s a different fish species.

Norwegian Ambassador Gunn Jorid Roset, right, and Jon Erik getting ready to cook

Norwegian Ambassador Gunn Jorid Roset, right, and Jon Erik getting ready to cook

Norwegian Ambassador Gunn Jorid Roset was an active participant at the hands-on cooking workshop for the media, led by Chef Jimmy Chok. The chef has been showcasing Norwegian seafood in cooking events for the council for the past 10 years.

A taste of smoked salmon and smoked fjord trout, left, and fjord trout and salmon sashimi, right

A taste of smoked salmon and smoked fjord trout, left, and fjord trout and salmon sashimi, right

But first, a video presentation by Jon Erik Steenslid, Norwegian Seafood Council Director, South East Asia, on how and why Norway is the second largest exporter of seafood in the world, and the world’s largest producer of farmed Atlantic salmon.

Fjord Trout, right, and salmon

Fjord Trout, right, and salmon

Norway has the perfect living conditions for Fjord Trout, which is farmed in the ocean, in the  cold Norwegian fjords where seawater meets fresh meltwater from the glaciers. The Fjord Trout grows to a weight of 2-5 kilos, which is generally a bit smaller than salmon.

It's so fun!

It’s so fun!

Chef Jimmy pointed out how the salmon has a sharp head unlike the round-headed fjord trout. Both are the freshest fish you can get, he said, as they are harvested, packed in the boxes and 48 hours later they arrive in KLIA ! “There is no such thing as sashimi grade salmon or trout. As long as the fish is fresh, (but not from the supermarket), you can have it as sashimi.”

Seared Fjord Trout with Mango Pomelo Salad, Thai Chilli Sesame Dressing

Seared Fjord Trout with Mango Pomelo Salad, Thai Chilli Sesame Dressing

The chef showed how to fry the trout, as in the Seared Fjord Trout, Mango Pomelo Salad, Thai Chilli Sesame Dressing. “Don’t fry the fish over high heat, and don’t overcook it. Cook it slowly.” There is no oil in the non-stick pan; instead as the fish cooks, it gives out oil, and this should be drained from the pan. Do NOT cover the pan. Cook till there is one-third white near the skin and it’s considered down. The same rule applies for salmon. (I’ve been guilty of frying salmon over high heat!). Fjord trout also tends to burn faster compared to salmon.

The perfectly cooked fjord trout

The perfectly cooked fjord trout

“Sweet, sour and spicy works well with fjord trout and salmon,” said Jimmy. In fact Asam Salmon Curry tastes good, as the sourness balances out the oil in the fish. “You can steam with soya sauce, do masak lemak and asam pedas with both the fjord trout and salmon. Never overcook it..

The fjord trout with a layer of white as it cooks

The fjord trout with a layer of white as it cooks

The media later took their places at their work stations in the kitchen and got down to doing their version of the Seared Fjord Trout Salad. Some had the cooked tout flaked for the salad, while others served it whole, with the mango pomelo salad and Thai chilli sauce dressing. But everyone, including the Ambassador, had a ball.

Norwegian Ambassador Gunn Jorid Roset and Jon Erik showing off their Fjord Trout with Mango Pomelo salad, Thai Chilli Sesame Dressing

Norwegian Ambassador Gunn Jorid Roset and Jon Erik showing off their Fjord Trout with Mango Pomelo salad, Thai Chilli Sesame Dressing

Here is the recipe:


200g Fjord Trout

Salt and pepper to taste


120g mango, diced

80g pomelo

½ red onion, chopped

1 kaffir lime leaf, chopped

1 spring onion, chopped

Juice from 1 lime


100 ml Thai chilli sauce

½ red onion, chopped

½ tsp sesame oil

1 tsp sesame seeds, toasted

Juice from 1 lime



  • Trout roe

Micro herbs or baby salad

  • Cherry tomatoes



  • Season trout and sear over medium heat till medium rare in the centre.
  • Allow to rest.
  • Mix mango salad items together and season well.
  • Mix dressing items together and set aside.



  • Spoon Mango Salad on centre of plate.
  • Using your hands flake the fjord trout and place on top of mango.
  • Garnish with tout roe, cherry tomato wedges and herbs.
  • Spoon dressing around and serve.
Everyone's busy in the kitchen. Chef Jimmy goes round giving helpful tips

Everyone’s busy in the kitchen. Chef Jimmy goes round giving helpful tips

Saying it with Norwegan Fjord Trout -- Ambassador Gunn Jorid Roset, Alice Yong, Jennifer Khoo and Jon Erik

Saying it with Norwegan Fjord Trout — Ambassador Gunn Jorid Roset, Alice Yong, Jennifer Khoo and Jon Erik




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